About Us

Fenway was founded by veterans of the data and AI industry. They’ve spent the last 20 years building highly skilled data teams and have seen firsthand the challenges of attracting, recruiting and retaining the best talent in a highly competitive market.

Over the years, they grew increasingly frustrated with the slow pace of recruitment, the lack of expertise and understanding of the skills required to successfully place a data expert and wildly escalating commissions that, with each passing year, seemed more undeserved.

So, Fenway was born: a recruitment firm that wants to revolutionise the art of the precision placement. Our purpose is not just to capitalise on an existing gap in the market but to truly revolutionise how recruitment is done; to lead a shift from outdated recruitment practices to a more holistic, value-adding, long-term resourcing approach.

And why are we so transparent with our model? We are aware that if we do this right, the market will eventually catch up. That’s not a bad thing, as we will have changed the game and left the world a better place than we found it.

Vision and Values

To create a new standard of excellence in precision placements. We do this by cultivating deep relationships with clients and candidates and leveraging the right blend of expertise to deliver long-term, high-value resourcing solutions.







Kelly Scanlon


Kelly’s journey in the banking sector was marked by leadership and a relentless drive to deliver measurable, impactful results.

He took these ambitions to build a highly successful multimillion-pound data consultancy, where he focused on strategically developing the right talent, blending characteristics identified from firsthand industry experience.

This shift to permanent recruitment showcases the same proven model, emphasising the need to fully understand both client requirements and the unique mix of skills required to transform any business. His journey vividly illustrates that when organisations prioritise talent development, they pave the way for consistent, long-term success.

Drij Vyas


A product of this talent framework and a case-in-point example of its proven effectiveness, Drij joined the data consultancy as a grad placement where he grew through the ranks honing his technical and consulting skills, and quickly positioning himself as a key player.

His excellence shone through in his ability to forge deep connections with clients, empathetically understanding their needs, and consistently delivering solutions that exceeded expectations.

It’s his ability to build strong networks within the market and commitment to developing talent, which led to several progressive programmes that cultivated a culture of growth, ensuring every team member reached their full potential.

Daniel Child


Dan spent the early years of his career in recruitment, where he challenged the status quo by focusing on the development of genuine relationships with both clients and candidates alike.

Since then, Dan has expanded his experience and skill set by taking on more strategic roles within the talent development space, working for two highly successful startups in the North American market.

Now, looking back at UK data recruitment, Dan is excited to be offering his years of industry expertise to help develop and execute a game-changing model as the antidote to the ongoing problems that plague the industry.


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